New evidence from archaeoastronomy on Apollo oracles and Apollo-Asclepius related cult

TitleNew evidence from archaeoastronomy on Apollo oracles and Apollo-Asclepius related cult
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLiritzis I, Bousoulegka E, Nyquist A, Castro B, Alotaibi F, Drivaliari A
JournalJournal of Cultural Heritage
KeywordsApollo, archaeoastronomy, Hierapolis
AbstractApollonian temples with oracular function related to the cult of Apollo's son Asclepius, as well as, Asclepius temples,(both) appear to align with the heliacal rising of the constellation of the Crow (raven) by the sunrise of the Autumn Equinox. Some show to align with Ophiuchus, too. Both constellations are related with the mythological circle of the deities as a dual entity. This astronomical phenomenon is supported by myth, archaeological finds, historical texts, artistic representations and astronomical academic tradition.