Found 545 results
[542] The sultanic residence and the capital: Didymoteichon and Adrianople. The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: toward a social and economic history. Studies in honor of John Alexander. :357–61.
2007. [483] The Twelve Caesars. Penguin Classics. :464.
2007. [618] Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists. :616.
2006. [506] A Concise History of Bulgaria. Cambridge Concise Histories. :312.
2006. [616] Examining the Life of Tess Goell, a Pioneering Archaeologist. The New York Times.
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2006. [783] Geophysical investigation of the temple of Apollo (Hierapolis, Turkey). Journal of archaeological science. 33:1505–1513.
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2006. [394] Iznik Pottery. Eastern Art. :128.
2006. [471] The Janissaries. Saqi Essentials. :288.
2006. [305] Middle Bronze Age Public Architecture at Tilmen Höyük and the Architectural Tradition of Old Syrian Palaces. Studi di Archeologia Orientale Dedicati a Paolo Matthiae.
2006. [392] Murâdiye Külliyesi, Edirne’de XV. yüzyılın ilk yarısında inşa edilen külliye. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm ansiklopedisi. 31
2006. [802] New evidence from Ankara for the collegia veteranorum and the albata decursio. Anatolian Studies. 56:95–101.
2006. [2006] THE ORDER AND STRUCTURE OF CALLIMACHUS'AETIA 3. The Classical Quarterly. 56:496–508.
2006. [410] The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It. Library of Ottoman Studies. :304.
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2006. [657] Sinan's Autobiographies: Five Sixteenth-century Texts. Muqarnas, Supplements . 11:637.
2006. [405] Turkey’s Jews and their Immigration to Israel. Middle Eastern Studies. 42(3)
2006. [758] Coinage and Identity in the Roman Provinces. :244.
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2005. [627] Early Roman Rule in Commagene. Scripta Classica Israelica. XXXIV
2005. [649] Historical waterworks in Turkey. Ninth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC9 2005.
2005. [150] The Kingdom of the Hittites. :554.
2005. [515] Mithras: Ein persisch-römischer Mysterienkult. :412.
2005. [313] New Collations and Remarks on Alalakh VII Tablets. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 64(1)